come into being

[kʌm ˈɪntə ˈbiːɪŋ]
  • 释义
  • 开始存在;长;产生;诞生;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    As science develops, different connotations of renormalization group come into being.

    随着科学的发展, 重整化群有了不同的内涵.

  • 2、

    Scientists want to learn how comets come into being.


  • 3、

    New stars continued to come into being from the gas clouds of the disk.


  • 4、

    To come into being; arise.

    形成产生; 成为现实.

  • 5、

    Customer Relationship Management System ( CRM ) has come into being in such as case.

    客户关系管理 ( CRM ) 系统就是在这种情况下应运而生的.

  • 6、

    Luxuriance on another level come into being, that is the process from simple to deep.

    虽没有奢华的“外形”, 但在简约低调的“气质”中渗透着与众不同的品位, 突显 另一层意义上的奢华——简约到深刻.

  • 7、

    Since 2000 almost twenty kinds of real name system have come into being.


  • 8、

    They lived on the earth tens of millions of ago, long before humans come into being.

    千百万年前,恐龙就在地球上生活, 比人类的出现要早得多.

  • 9、

    Yes, it is. when did China's professional athletes come into being?

    是的, 就是那个. 中国职业运动员的产生是什么时候开始的?

  • 10、

    Then audit risks come into being.


  • 11、

    But how does something new like this come into being in the old material of language?

    但是像这样的新事物是怎样在陈旧的语言材料中产生的 呢 ?

  • 12、

    Due to unintergration of society, conflicts, inequality or infringement will come into being.

    社会不融合而产生冲突, 就会出现不平等或侵权的现象.

  • 13、

    From such explicit constraints, true and reliable accounting information will come into being.

    这个评价体系可以作为外在约束力, 促使会计主体生成真实、可靠的会计信息.

  • 14、

    Second names or, surnames as we now call them , had come into being.

    这样就有了第二个名字, 或如我们现在所称一一姓.

  • 15、

    When did the club first come into being?


  • 16、

    How did these things come into being? What made them the way they were?

    它们怎样存在的? 是什么把它们造成这种样子的?

  • 17、

    From now on, Dorothy Denning's IDES model was come into being.

    在这之后,桃乐茜·顿宁(DorothyDenning)的IDES( 入侵检测专家系统)模型产生了.

  • 18、

    With market environment change and business development, the CMS in Rural Credit Cooperative come into being.


  • 19、

    How did this abnormal psychology come into being?


  • 20、

    When did the Roman Empire come into being?


  • 21、

    When did the world come into being?


  • 22、

    Apparently, with old proverbs falling disuse, new ones will continuously come into being.

    显然, 随着旧的谚语的废弃不用, 新的谚语在.

  • 23、

    Since 1978, the institution of private property right has come into being.

    改革开放以来, 我国的私人产权制度已经逐渐形成.

  • 24、

    J : Yes , it is. Gao Jie, when did China's professional athletes come into being?

    是的, 就是那个. 高洁, 中国职业运动员的产生是什么时候开始的?

  • 25、

    How does SPX web come into being?


  • 26、

    In what historical situation did the Organization of African Unity ( OAU ) come into being in 1963?


  • 27、

    The first part is the definition, come into being, development and types of the special issue.

    第一部分是特刊的定义 、 产生 、 发展及类型.

  • 28、

    Magazines come into being to voice the new sentiments in the air.

